Saturday, February 28, 2009


This has become one of my newest favorite pictures. Look at those eyes and sweet little lips!
We have learned the reality of what it is like to have a sick baby. It leaves you feeling horribly helpless, because there isn't much you can do to make your sweet little one feel better. So if I turn a little germ-o-phobic until RSV season is over, you'll understand why. It is something I really don't want to deal with again. I apologize in advance for any hand-sanitizer I might force on you.

Can you believe that one year ago my little babykins was the size of a poppy seed? Here she is weighing in at 11 lbs 14 oz. Naomi is wearing one of my favorite onesie shirts lent to us by the lovely McKee girls. She also has on a pair of the cutest knee socks that I've altered into baby leggings. It has become an unhealthy obsession and I spend way too much time looking for adorable knee socks on ebay.
I think you're all caught up on life here in the Rohde household!


Deborah said...

the leg warmers turned out wonderful! i love them. :)

Kelly said...

I love the leggings! Very creative! Your daughter is adorable! :)

mckeefamily03 said...

Oh Linds, she is so beautiful! Congrats on your good deals! I wish I was closer and we could do that stuff together! Someday, maybe, huh? Love you!